As part of BPSI’s Anti-Racism Commitment, BPSI has made a Public Commitment to Reading the Holmes Commission Report. We invite you to read with colleagues, in community gatherings, engaging with the reading, and joining in work towards equity in our field. 

The Holmes Commission on Racial Equality (CO-REAP) of APsA was launched in October 2020, with a mission of studying systemic racism in psychoanalysis, and offering plans towards racial equality in our field. On Juneteenth, the Holmes Commission released its historic full report.

BPSI’s Announcement of the Holmes Commission’s Full Report

In Pursuit of Racial Equality in American Psychoanalysis: Findings and Recommendations From the Holmes Commission

Published by the Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association

The Holmes Commission Final Report 2023

As one of many initiatives to fulfill BPSI’s Anti-Racism Commitment we offer this Resources List to our colleagues and the public, with contemporary literature on race and diversities, in hopes of promoting reflection, dialogue, and psychoanalytic scholarship in the service of promoting racial equality in psychoanalysis.

Click here for the BPSI RESOURCES Page

“Enactments are powerful because our defenses have not held up; what has been hidden painfully and often surprisingly leaps or seeps out. This is the work of psychoanalysis proper. As difficult as enactments are, they teach us about ourselves and each other. Racial enactments are inevitable. As we work on changing structural racism, chipping away at the defenses that keep it invisible, unearthing difficult histories, and challenging the practices that keep it hidden, the emotions connected to racism inevitably surface. Thus, we believe racial enactments constitute a significant part of dealing with the racial life of organizations.”

– The Holmes Commission on Racial Equality

Click here for the Enactments Page

BPSI READS is an initiative to facilitate regular conversations within BPSI, the larger psychoanalytic community, and the public on issues of Race, Equity, Diversity, and Otherness. 

Click here for the readings and resources from our Spring 2023 Two-Part BPSI Reads on Asian Identity

Click here for the readings and resources from all of our past BPSI READS programs

BPSI’s Spring 2023 Special Two-Part BPSI READS Series on Asian Identity, with Diane O’Donoghue, PhD, Peiwei Li, PhD, HSP, and the online audience. Recorded on June 13, 2023.

BPSI’s Antiracism Commitment (2020)

Please click here to read our June 4 letter to the BPSI community outlining our commitment to Antiracism.