Searching for the Analyst’s Reveries
by Fred Busch, PhD
Over the last 20 years the post-Bionians have begun nothing less than to spell out the beginning of the metabolizing process (reverie) in the analyst’s mind that takes place with under-represented mental states. This bold attempt leading to new discoveries, and its many possibilities for understanding patients, seems to have obscured differences amongst leading post-Bionians with regard to how they see the forms of reverie, and how they might best be worked with. With Bion’s perspective as a background, this paper explores three approaches, and how they differ with regard to whether one follows the views of early or late Bion. Technical issues associated with these views are raised. A clinical example is offered as one way to use reverie.
Link to Online Publication [fulltext can be requested from the library].
International Journal of Psychoanalysis, 99(3): 569-589, May 2018.
About the Author: Fred Busch, PhD, is a Training and Supervising Analyst at the Boston Psychoanalytic Society and Institute, USA. He is the author of The Analyst’s Reveries: Explorations in Bion’s Enigmatic Concept (2019) and Creating a Psychoanalytic Mind (2013).
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