BPSI is committed to supporting our students and Members throughout their training and then continuing their professional development throughout their careers. As part of that commitment, the ATP offers several mentoring programs to students that are included in their tuition.
Each ATP student is individually assigned an advisor who acts as mentor and advocate. The advisor is a BPSI Member who is available to discuss training and personal needs as they arise. The advisor may help the student choose a supervisor, recommend a personal psychotherapist, or discuss further professional training. Students are urged to make contact with their advisor early in their training, and to work out a plan for ongoing contact thereafter. Individual advisors do not serve as supervisors for clinical work. In the rare instance in which a student feels that his or her individual advisor is not a good personal match, the student may contact the class advisor or the Chair of Individual Advisors, Wendy Epstein, to discuss the issue and the possibility of a change.
In addition to individual advisors, a class advisor is assigned to each ATP class. The class advisor is a BPSI Member who meets with the students in a group two or three times a year in order to promote cohesiveness, discern and resolve group issues, and serve as a liaison to BPSI.
Because the ATP aims to train clinicians to think critically and contribute to the psychoanalytic field, it requires its students to crystallize their ideas in the form of a paper or case study in preparation for graduation. There are a number of supports available to students to facilitate the writing of this paper. They will receive an updated writing resources handbook each year that directs students to previous ATP papers and on-line references. Each year, several writing workshops will be held to introduce students to the process of clinical writing and provide direction for pursuing academic work. Some of these are specific to ATP students and other workshops are BPSI-wide. The liaison for the writing program can answer any questions. If students wish to have a writing mentor, the liaison will match students with a clinician who can meet to discuss ideas and provide feedback for drafts.
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Training Program Elements
Faculty & Students
ATP Supervisors