Boston Change Process Study Group (BCPSG) Infant Research Audio Cassettes, 1985-2005

Descriptive Summary

Creator Nahum, Jeremy P.
Title: Boston Change Process Study Group (BCPSG) Infant Research Audio Cassettes
Dates: 1985-2005
Quantity: 288 Audio cassettes
Abstract Dr. Jeremy P. Nahum has been a participant in the Boston Change Process Study Group since its inception. He recorded sessions of the group's numerous discussions and workshops to document their work in the field of psychoanalysis. This collection represents their discussions, seminars, workshops and conferences conducted to meet their purpose in furthering the field of infant psychoanalytics.
Identification: Consult repository
Languages: Materials are in English

Historical Note

The Boston Change Process Study Group (BCPSG), which was formed in 1995, collectively produced several seminal papers culminating in "Change in Psychotheraphy: A Unifying Paradigm". The Boston Change Process Study Group (BCPSG) is a small group of practicing analysts, developmentalists, and analytic theorist who believed that knowledge of recent developmental studies and dynamic systems theory can be used to understand the model change processes in psychodynamic therapeutic interaction. The individual specialties of each member bring the collective knowledge of infancy researchers and the experience of practicing psychoanalysts towards the study of the process of change as it occurs in normal development and psychoanalytic therapies.

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Scope and Content

The collection contains 288 audio cassette recordings of the group's discussions on research and publications. Audio recordings also include presentations and seminars hosted or presented by members of the BCPSG. The collection contains three series: BCPSG Discussion "Playpen", Infant Research Workshop, and Conferences and Seminars.

For amplifying information, reference the Oral History interview conducted with Dr. Jeremy P. Nahum regarding the BCPSG and the collection he donated.

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Series Arrangement

Series I: BCPSG Discussion "Playpen", arranged chronologically

Series II: Infant Research Workshop, arranged alphabetically

Series III: Conferences and Seminars, arranged chronologically

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Restrictions to Access

If you wish to access any records in the BPSI Archives, please email or call 617-266-0953.

Some content restricted to BPSI members.

Copyright Notice

Please contact The Boston Psychoanalytic Society and Institute for copyright information.

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Index Terms

Useful subject terms:


Basch, Michael Franz
Beebe, Beatrice, 1946-
Brazelton, T. Berry, 1918-
Bruschweiler-Stern, Nadia
Demos, Alexander
Edelman, Lee, 1953-
Emde, Robert N.
Fivaz-Depeursinge, Elisabeth
Fonagy, Peter, 1952-
Freud, Sigmund, 1856-1939
Harrison, Alexandra, 1945-
Kaplan, Samuel
Lewis, Michael, 1937 January 10-
Lichtenberg, Joseph D.
Lyons-Ruth, Karlen
Malatesta, Carol Zander
Modell, Arnold H., 1924-
Morgan, Alexander
Nahum, Jeremy P.
Panksepp, Jaak, 1943-
Piaget, Jean, 1896-1980
Sander, Louis W.
Schore, Allan N., 1943-
Stechler, Gerald
Stern, Daniel N.
Thelen, Esther
Tomasello, Michael
Tomkins, Silvan S. (Silvan Solomon), 1911-1991
Trevarthen, Colwyn
Tronick, Edward
Weinberg, M. Katherine
Wolff, Peter H.
Zeanah, Charles H.


Boston Change Process Study Group


Infant psychology
Infant psychology---Research
Psychoanalytic interpretation

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Administrative Information

Preferred Citation

[Identification of item], in the BCPSG Infant Research Audio Cassettes, The Boston Psychoanalytic Society and Institute, Newton, MA, USA

Acquisitions Information

Donated by Jeremy P. Nahum on 27 October 2015. Additional cassettes were donated 11 March 2016, totalling 288 cassette tapes.

Processing Information

Processed and encoded by Esther Kim, May 2016

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Series I: BCPSG Discussion "Playpen" 1989-2005

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This series consists of recordings of the BCPSG discussions and decisions regarding their papers and collective efforts. These tapes were labeled “Playpen” which was derived from Dr. Nahum’s wife's observation on how excited the group of “babywatchers” got when discussing psychoanalysis. The contents of this series may overlap with the contents listed in the other two series. Titles listed are derived from the original titles and information that appears on the original tape labels. This series is arranged chronologically.
Box 1

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Virgin Gorda, Tape 1, 6 March 1995
Virgin Gorda, Tape 3, March 1995: 7-8
Virgin Gorda, Tape 3 or 4, March 1995: 7-8
Virgin Gorda , Tape 2, 8 March 1995
Virgin Gorda, Tape 3, 8 March 1995
26 April 1995
1995: 26 April-3 May 1995
31 May 1995
Tape 3, 14 June 1995
31 January 1996
Virgin Gorda, Tape 1, 18 February 1996
Virgin Gorda, Tape 2, February 1996: 18-19
Virgin Gorda, Tape 5, 21 February 1996
Virgin Gorda, Tape 6, 21 February 1996
22 March 1996
1996: 27 March and 17 April
22 May 1996
1996: 21 June-10 July
20 June 1996
10 July 1996
5 August 1996
October 1996:1, 16
16 October 1996
10 December 1996 and 18-19 January 1997
Tape 2, 18 January 1997
Tape 3, 18 January 1997
Tape 4, January 1997: 18-19
Tape 1, 19 January 1997
Tape 2, 19 January 1997
9 April 1997
Nantucket, 27 July 1997
Nantucket, Tape 2, July 1997: 27-28
Nantucket, Tape 3, July 1997: 28-29
Nantucket, Tape 4, July 1997: 28-29
Nantucket, Tape 5, 29 July 1997
Nantucket, 1 August 1997
Nantucket, 1 August 1997
Box 2

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Virgin Gorda, Tape 1, 1 March 1998
Virgin Gorda, Tape 2, March [1998]:1-2
Virgin Gorda, Tape 3, 2 March 1998
Virgin Gorda, Tape 4, 2 March 1998
Virgin Gorda, Tape 5, March [1998]:2-3
Virgin Gorda, Tape 6, [March 1998]
Virgin Gorda, Tape 7, 4 March [1998]
Virgin Gorda, Tape 10, 6 March 1998
Virgin Gorda, Tape 11, March 1998: 6-7
Virgin Gorda, Tape 12, [March 1998]
24 March 1998
Tape 1, 26 April 1998
Tape 2, 26 April 1998
Newton, Tape 1, 24 July 1998
Newton, Tape 2, 24-25 July 1998
Newton, Tape 3, 25 July 1998
Newton, 26 July 1998
Newton, 26 July 1998
Newton, Tape 6, 27 July 1998
1998: 31 July-1 September
21 September 1998
December 1998: 11-12
12 December 1998
December 1998: 12-13
1999: January-February
Tape 2, 7 February 1999
February 1999: 7, 21
February 1999: 21, 24
February 1999: 24-25
25 February 1999
25 February 1999
28 April 1999
02 May 1999
Newton, Tape 1, November 1999: 18-19
Newton, Tape 2, 19 November 1999
Newton, Tape 3, 19 November 1999
Newton, Tape 4, 20 November 1999
Newton, Tape 5, November 1999: 20-21
Box 3

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Newton, Tape 6, 21 November 1999
29 January 2000
Virgin Gorda, Tape 7, 2000: 29 February-01 March
Virgin Gorda, Tape 8, 1 March 2000
Virgin Gorda, Tape 9, March 2000:1-2
Virgin Gorda, Tape 10, March 2000:2-3
Virgin Gorda, Tape 11, 3 March 2000
16 October 2000
2001: February 21-April 3
Toronto, Tape 1, 24 February 2001
Toronto, Tape 2, 24 February 2001
3 April 2001
Contraversy, Tape 1, 10 June 2001 [CLOSED]
Contraversy, Tape 2, June 2001: 10-11 [CLOSED]
Contraversy, Tape 3, 11 June 2001 [CLOSED]
Contraversy, Tape 4, 11 June 2001 [CLOSED]
17 July 2001
Tape 1, 24 August 2001
Tape 2, 25 August 2001
Tape 3, 26 August 2001
Tape 4, 26 August 2001
Tape 5, 26 August 2001
Newton, Tape 1, October 2001: 12-13
[Newton] Tape 2, 13 October 2001
[Newton] Tape 3, 13 October 2001
Newton, Tape 4, 14 October 2001
Newton, Tape 5, October 2001: 14-15
Newton, Tape 6, 15 October 2001
27 January 2002
Napa, Tape 1, 25 February 2002
Napa, Tape 2, 25 February 2002
Napa, Tape 3, 25 February 2002
Napa, Tape 4, 26 February 2002
Napa, Tape 5, February 2002: 26-27
Napa, Tape 6, February 2002: 26-27
Napa, Tape 7, 27 February 2002
Box 4

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Napa, Tape 8, February 2002: 27-28
Napa, Tape 9, 28 February 2002
Napa, Tape 10, 28 February 2002
Napa, Tape 11, 2002: 18 February-01 March
Napa, Tape 12, 01 March 2002
Napa, Tape 13, 01 March 2002
Newton, Tape 1, 27 October 2002
Newton, Tape 2, 27 October 2002
Newton, Tape 3, 27 October 2002
Newton, Tape 4, 28 October 2002
Newton, Tape 5, October 2002: 28-29
[Newton], Tape 6, 29 October 2002
January 2003: 18-20
Tape 2, January 2003: 18-20
23 March 2003
18 May 2003
Fire Island, Tape 1, 15 August 2003
Fire Island, Tape 3, August 2003: 15-16
Fire Island, Tape 4, 16 August 2003
Fire Island, Tape 5, 16 August 2003
Fire Island, Tape 7, 17 August 2003
Fire Island, Tape 8, 17 August 2003
Fire Island, Tape 9, 18 August 2003
Fire Island, Tape 10, 18 August 2003
Tape 1, January 2004: 10-11
13 January 2004
Newton, 9 April 2004
Holly, 13 May 2004 [INAUDIBLE]
13 June 2004
Neuchatel, Tape 1, 30 August 2004
Neuchatel, Tape 2, 30 August 2004
Neuchatel, Tape 3, August 2004: 30-31
Neuchatel, Tape 4, September 2004: 1-3
Neuchatel, Tape 5, 01 September 2004
Newton, Tape 2, November 2005: 14-15
Series II: Infant Research Workshop 1988-2005

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This series consists of recordings of discussions and workshops hosted by, presented by or involving BCPSG members. Many of the workshops are discussions of infant research and published papers regarding the same. Some of the psychoanalysts and researchers present their own works for review to the group. This series is arranged alphabetically by the names of the professional whose works are discussed.
Box 5

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Amini et al, 4 November 1998
Amini et al, 2 December 1998
Basch, M., Tape 1, [17 December 1992]
Basch, M., Tape 2, [17 December 1992]
Basch, M., Tape 3, [17 December 1992]
Basch, M., Tape 4, [17 December 1992]
Basch, M., Tape 5, [17 December 1992]
Basch, M., Tape 6, [17 December 1992]
Basch, M., Tape 7, [17 December 1992]
Basch, M., Tape 8, [17 December 1992]
Basch, M., Tape 9, [17 December 1992]
Basch, M., Tape 10, [17 December 1992]
Basch, M., Tape 11, 17 December 1992
Beebe et al., 3 November 1999
Beebe, B., 5 January 2000
Brazelton, B., 12 April 1990
Brazelton, B., 2 February 2000
Brazelton, B., 2 February 2000
Demos, V., Tape 1, 13 February 1990
Demos, V., Tape 2, 13 February 1990
Demos, V., Tape 2, 14 January 1989
Edelman, L., 22 January 1994
Emde, R., 21 May 1990
Fivaz-Depeursinge, 14 April 1998
Fonagy, P., 3 November 1993
Fonagy, P., 7 March 2001
Freud, 12 September 2002
Freud, 12 September 2002
Greenberg et al., Tape 1, 2 September 2002
Greenburg et al., [Tape 2], 2 September 2002
Hofer, Suomi and Gunnar, 7 May 1997
Kagan, S., 3 May 2000
Kaplan, Tape 2
Ledoux, J., 3 February 1999
Lichtenberg, J., 2 May 1992
Lichtenberg, J., Tape 1 and 2, 10 September 1989 [INAUDIBLE]
Box 6

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Lichtenberg, J., Tape 5 and 6, 16 September 1989
Lyons-Ruth, K., 12 February 1992
Lyons-Ruth, K., Tape 2, 4 May 2001
Lyons-Ruth, K., 17 May 2001
Modell-Edelman, 2 February 1994
Modell, A., 1 May 1994
Modell-Edelman, Tape 2, 2 February 1994; Sander, 3 February 1994
Panksepp, J., 6 February 2002
Sadler, 3 February 1994
Sander, L., 8 November 1989
Sander, L., 17 May 1990
Scherer, 1 November 1995
Schore, A., 8 October and 2 November 1997
Schore, A., 1997: October-November
Seigel, D.,Tape 1, 29 March 2003
Stechler, 12 April 1995
Seigel, D., Tape 2, 29 March 2003
Seigel, D., Tape 3, 29 March 2003
Stern, D., 16 November 1988
Stern, D., 10 May 1994
Stern, D., "Moments and Flow", 9 June 1995
Stern, 13 October 2001
Thelen, E., 6 November 1996
Tomasello, M., 6 June 2001
Trevarthen, C., 7 April 1993
Trevarthen, C., 5 December 2001
Tronick, E., 6 February 1991
Tronick, E., 5 August 1991
Tronick, E., 5 January 1995
Tronick, E., 5 December 2000
Waxler, 2 March 1993
Weinberg, K., Tape 1, Session 1-2,3 June 1992
Weinberg, K., Tape 2, Session 3, 3 June 1992
Weinberg, K., 4 October 1996
Winnicott, D., 12 September 1990
Box 7

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Wolff, P., 2 October 1998
Zeanah, C., 18 March 1992
Zeanah, Charles, Tape 2, 18 March 1992; Lyons-Ruth, 1 April 1997
Relevance of Infant Research for Adults
Insecure Ambivalent Attachment, 3 March 1993
Symposium Wrap Up, 6 May 1993
"The Unconscious", 14 February 1996
Non-Linear Dynamic Systems, 12 April 1996
3 April 2002
[Unknown] May 2002
Workshop, 18 June 2002
Conferences and Seminars

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This series consists of recordings of various conferences, seminars, symposia or trainings that were hosted by, presented by, or involved the BCPSG members. Some cassettes labeled “ENIGMA” refer to two separate symposia, the first being Dr. Nahum and Dr. Gerald Stechler’s Symposium Series “First Relationships Later Therapies”, and the second being Daniel Stern’s Symposium, they are not differentiated outside of indicated dates. Tapes labeled "MIP" are presentations at the Massachusetts Institute of Psychoanalysis. Cassettes are identified by the formatted titles derived from the information that appears on the original labels. This series is arranged chronologically.
Box 7

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[No description], 1998
Demos and Basch 1985 Annual Meeting of the American Society of Adolescent Psychiatry
Debate between Michael Lewis and Daniel Stern on the concept of "Self", WAIPAD Conference, 1989
The Infancy and Early Childhood Training Course, Tape 1, March 1-2, 1991
The Infancy and Early Childhood Training Course, Tape 2, March 1-2, 1991
The Infancy and Early Childhood Training Course, Tape 3, March 1-2, 1991
The Infancy and Early Childhood Training Course, Tape 4, March 1-2, 1991
The Infancy and Early Childhood Training Course, Tape 5, March 1-2, 1991
The Infancy and Early Childhood Training Course, Tape 6, March 1-2, 1991
The Infancy and Early Childhood Training Course, Tape 7, March 1-2, 1991
Member Seminar, Stecher on Assertion and Aggresion Model6 March 1991
Member Seminar, Stechler on Assertion and Aggression Model, 6 March 1991
Member Seminar, Davos[?], 6 March 1991
MIP, 14 February 1996
MIP, 28 February 1996, Tape 1
MIP, 28 February 1996, Tape 2
MIP, 25 March 1996
MIP, 25 March 1996
26 July 1996
BSPSG Workshop, 18 December 1996
Enigma, Tape 2, 7 March 1997
Enigma, Tape 3, 7 May 1997
Enigma, Tape 4, March 1997: 7-8
Enigma, Tape 5, 8 March 1997
Enigma, Tape 6, 8 March 97
Box 8

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Schore, A., Lecture, 13 June 1997
Enigma, Tape 1, 30 April 1999
Enigma, Tape 2, 30 April 1999
Enigma, Tape 3, 30 April 1999
Enigma, Tape 4, 30 April 1999
Enigma, Tape 5, 1 May 1999
Enigma, Tape 6, 1 May 1999
Enigma, Tape 7, 1 May 1999 [Final]
MIP, Sander, L., April 2000
AMPSA, Tape 1, 2003
AMPSA, Tape 2, 2003
MIP, 17 January 2004
MIP, 15 January 2005
MIP, 4 February 2005
MIP, 4 February 2005
MIP 04/01/05
MIP, 29 April 2005
MIP, 13 May 2005
APSAA, A New Knowledge
[APSAA], A New Knowledge
APSAA, Psychoanalysis and Motivation, [undated]
APSAA, Psychoanalysis and Motivation, [undated]
APSAA, Psychoanalysis and Motivation, Tape 2 [undated]
[no content on tape]
16 April 2005
Tape 1, 18 March 1996