Ramon Greenberg – The Voice of Experience VIDEO

Posted in History, Library Corner

Ramon Greenberg, MD, talked to Howard Katz, MD, about his work on dreams and other contributions to psychoanalysis in an interview recorded for The Voice of Experience Series on October 9, 2020. Ramon Greenberg, MD, is a Psychoanalyst and Faculty Member at the Boston Psychoanalytic Society and Institute (BPSI) and a Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School. He is the author of numerous articles on the dream theory, sleep...

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Henry Murray and Sigmund Freud: The Story Behind One Autograph

Posted in History, Library Corner

Olga Umansky, MLIS, is a librarian and archivist of the Hanns Sachs Library at BPSI. Her remarks below originally appeared in the Summer 2018 issue of the library newsletter, which can be read here. Sigmund Freud’s Portrait, 1929 signed by “Dr. Murray” in 1933BPSI Archives The handwriting analysis of both John Murray and Henry Murray revealed that the portrait of Freud donated to the BPSI Archives by John Baker, PhD, is likely...

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Michael Grodin – The Kravitz Award Series VIDEO

Posted in History, Social Awareness

The Arthur R. Kravitz Award Recipient of 2014, Michael Grodin, MD, talks  about his work in an interview to James Frosch, MD, recorded on Sep 25, 2020. Dr. Grodin, BPSI Affiliate Scholar Member, is a nationally recognized expert in medical ethics and human rights. He is the Director of the Project on Medicine and the Holocaust at the Elie Wiesel Center for Judaic Studies at Boston University, Professor of Bioethics and Human Rights at the...

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Freedom to Choose: A Book Review

Posted in History, Library Corner

Rita Teusch, PhD, Faculty Member of BPSI. Her remarks below originally appeared in the Winter 2018 issue of the Hann Sachs Library Newsletter, which can be read here. Novick, J. and Novick, K. (2016) Freedom to Choose. Two Systems of Self-Regulation. International Psychoanalytic Books. 236 pp. This immensely readable book details John and Kerry Kelly Novick’s clinical psychoanalytic work over the past 50 years. Trained at the Anna Freud...

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Meet the Author – Steven Luria Ablon – VIDEO

Posted in History, Library Corner

Steven Luria Ablon, MD, read poetry from his new book “Dinner in the Garden” at our Meet the Author Webinar held and recorded on Oct 6, 2020. Discussion with a live audience was moderated by Dan Jacobs, MD. Click here to watch other webinars and interviews in our Meet the Author, The Voice of Experience, and Kravitz Award video series. Follow this link to watch video recordings of select BPSI events in the past.

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Parenting an Activist

Posted in History, Social Awareness, Uncategorized

by Susannah Sherry and Rafael Ornstein Jeremy Ornstein, member of the Sunrise Movement, knocked on doors to help elect a new member of the Pennsylvania state legislature who opposed the construction of a new fossil fuel pipeline in the state. The article below originally appeared in the Spring-Summer 2020 issue of the BPSI Bulletin, which can be read here. One of the hardest jobs in parenthood is shepherding a teenager into young adulthood,...

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