BPSI offers several possible options for financial aid. All Candidates, ATP Students and Fellows are eligible to apply for tuition scholarships to help finance their training. Candidates may also apply for loans through APsaA and/or the IPA.
Tuition Assistance for Students and Candidates
- Each year need-based scholarships are available for students and Candidates. To apply, here is the 2025-2026 BPSI Scholarship Form.
- Completed applications must be received by April 1, 2025. Award decisions will be made on or before June 30, 2025.
- To submit your completed application or for more information, please email
Scholarship Assistance for Supervision for ATP Students
- Download an application for the ATP Supervision Scholarship.
- Students granted an ATP Supervision Scholarship may request disbursements using the ATP Supervision Scholarship Disbursement Form.
- More information about the ATP Supervision Fee system is available here.
Scholarship Assistance for Supervision for Candidates
- Candidates seeing patients for less than the supervisory fee can apply for supplemental reimbursement that, combined with the patient’s fee, will cover the cost of supervision by submitting a Candidate Low-Fee Supervised Analytic Case Scholarship Program Disbursement Request Form.
- For further information, please email
Adjusted-fee Personal Psychoanalysis
- Fees for the personal psychoanalysis are arranged between the Candidate and the training analyst. Many BPSI training analysts reduce their fees for Candidates and those interested in analytic training. Adjusted fees are arranged privately depending on individual circumstances.
- If you would like to learn more about the process to begin an adjusted fee personal analysis, click here.
As part of BPSI, an Affiliate Institute of the American Psychoanalytic Association (APsaA) and the International Psychoanalytic Association (IPA), Candidates are eligible to join and take advantage of benefits of membership in both APsaA and the IPA.
APsaA Loans
- Candidates are eligible for APsaA training loans.
- Candidates may borrow $5,000 interest- free from APsaA for the expenses of psychoanalytic training.
- Eligibility requirements are being an APsaA Affiliate member in good standing, having completed one year of training, and demonstration of financial need. This loan must be repaid within five years after graduation from BPSI. Email APSsaA’s Executive Director, Thomas H. Newman, for an application form.
All BPSI Candidates are eligible to apply for interest-free loans through the IPA. Loan campaigns usually run in January, and IPA Candidates are informed by email. You may also learn more at Candidate loans web page. The maximum loan in any single application is $5000. You may re-apply up to a maximum amount not to exceed $7000.