Teachers and the Pandemic

Posted in History, Social Awareness

by Andrew Skoirchet, MD with Alexandra Harrison The following piece was originally published on Alexandra Harrison’s blog entitled Supporting Child Caregivers in September 2020, which can be found here. A. Harrison: The colleagues I rely on most in my therapeutic work with young children are teachers. I know that teachers write about teaching and what it is like to be a teacher much better than I ever could, but as an outsider, I would...

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Self Disclosures and Unknown Passions: Telling Stories – and Reading Them

Posted in History, Library Corner

Dan Jacobs, MD, is a Training and Supervising Analyst at BPSI. His remarks below originally appeared in the Spring-Summer 2020 issue of the BPSI Bulletin, which can be read here. In writing a novel, one invents characters who are, as in a dream, varying aspects of oneself. The challenge is to bring these characters—these different pieces of self—together in a coherent story. In this way, writing is an attempt at self-understanding and...

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Nonverbal Cues in Systemic Racism – AUDIO

Posted in History, Social Awareness

In a recent episode of her new podcast series, Alexandra M. Harrison, MD, describes how nonverbal behavioral cues may be an important factor in system racism. Click on the player below to listen. Alexandra Murray Harrison, MD is a Training and Supervising Analyst at the Boston Psychoanalytic Society and Institute in Adult and Child and Adolescent Psychoanalysis, an Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School at the...

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Then and Now Again: Reflections on the Past in the Current Political Climate

Posted in History, Social Awareness

Anna Ornstein, MD, is a Supervising Analyst at BPSI. Her remarks below originally appeared in the Spring-Summer 2020 issue of the BPSI Bulletin, which can be read here. Postcard of the town where the Brünn family lived prior to the War. Courtesy of the Cincinnati Judaica Fund, The Center for Holocaust and Humanity Education I don’t recall any time in my life when I was not aware of anti-Semitism. The village in northern Hungary, where I was...

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Returning to Preschool During COVID-19

Posted in History, Social Awareness

The following piece was originally published on Alexandra Harrison’s blog entitled Supporting Child Caregivers in September 2020, which can be found here. Panel on school reopening I participated in a great panel at the Cambridge Ellis School last night. It was a remote meeting for parents and teachers in preparation for the opening of school during the COVID-19 crisis. The panelists included Dr. Michael Yogman, the school pediatric...

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The Burning Child: A YouTube Animation

Posted in Arts at BPSI, History, Library Corner

Shari Thurer, ScD, is a BPSI Psychotherapist Member. Her below remarks originally appeared in the Winter 2019 issue of the library newsletter, which can be read here. While it is not uncommon for Freud’s bon mots to be written on posters, coffee cups, and greeting cards, they are now featured in an animated cartoon on YouTube. Commissioned by The Vienna Project at Harvard, a scholarly and artistic collaboration that explores Vienna at the...

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