The Heart is a Lonely Hunter – Book Review

Posted in History, Library Corner

Shari Thurer, ScD, is a BPSI Psychotherapist Member. Her below remarks originally appeared in the Fall 2020 issue of the library newsletter, which can be read here. McCullers, C. (1940). The Heart is a Lonely Hunter. Boston, Houghton Mifflin. Among the torturous obligations of my American adolescence was the reading of Carson McCuller’s The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter, about four losers in a godforsaken town in 1930s Georgia. Rereading it now...

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Women Histories in Photos – Vilma Kovács

Posted in History, Library Corner

Olga Umansky, MLIS, is a librarian and archivist of the Hanns Sachs Library at BPSI. Her remarks below originally appeared in the Winter 2021 issue of the library newsletter, which can be read here. Anna Freud and Vilma Kovács at the IPA Congress in Paris, 1938. Bibring Photograph Collection, BPSI Archives Anna Borgos, Research Fellow at the Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience and Psychology, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, requested BPSI...

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Found in Translation – Rita Teusch’s Review of “Commissioned by the Company”

Posted in History, Library Corner, Social Awareness

In 2011, Knuth Müller, a psychologist from Germany, contacted BPSI Archives for his research on the collaboration of psychoanalysts with the US-intelligence community in 1940-1975. Mr. Müller held a brief correspondence with our Director of Archive, Sanford Gifford, MD, and requested biographies of Walter Langer and Samuel Guttmann for his dissertation. His English language report was published as a chapter Psychoanalysis and American...

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Restoring the Core of Clinical Practice – A Book Review

Posted in History, Library Corner

Randall H. Paulsen, MD, is BPSI Faculty Member. His remarks below originally appeared in the Fall 2019 issue of the Hanns Sachs Library Newsletter, which can be read here. Milberg, L. & Knowlton, K. (2019). Restoring the Core of Clinical Practice: What is a Balint group and how does it help? Independently published, 69 pp. Human relationships and the desire to make a difference motivate people to go into health care professions. When...

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Women Histories in Photos – Jenny Waelder-Hall

Posted in History, Library Corner

Olga Umansky, MLIS, is a librarian and archivist of the Hanns Sachs Library at BPSI. Her remarks below originally appeared in the Winter 2021 issue of the library newsletter, which can be read here. Jenny Waelder-Hall. BPSI Archives Several archival researchers have recently looked into Jenny Waelder-Hall’s materials at BPSI. Klara Naszkowska, PhD, a Fulbright and Visiting Scholar at Union Theological Seminary, Columbia University has...

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Gift of Poetry – Donald Hall Materials at BPSI Archives

Posted in History, Library Corner

Olga Umansky, MLIS, is a librarian and archivist of the Hanns Sachs Library at BPSI. Her remarks below originally appeared in the Winter 2021 issue of the library newsletter, which can be read here. Donald Hall in the 1970s near Eagle Pond, NH. Photograph by Jane Kenyon. Reproduced with permission of the Donald Hall & Jane Kenyon Estate BPSI Candidate Member, John Martin-Joy, MD, trusted our archives with a fascinating and moving...

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