Trouble in the Family: The Impact of Sexual Boundary Violations in Analytic Institute Life

Donna Fromberg, PsyD


Abstract by Author

My interest in this topic comes from having had two prominent analysts surrender their licenses due to accusations of boundary violations at my institute while a candidate. The impact of these violations and how they informed my training experience, and that of my cohort, amazed me.  I was dumbfounded by the depth and reverberations of these incidents. Overtime, my confusion and anguish became curiosity and that was how this chapter began.  The chapter describes what happened to me, and searches for theoretical understanding using Bion’s theories on groups.

Donna Fromberg, PsyD is a faculty member at the Advanced Training Program in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, and Boston Psychoanalytic Society and Institute, a Staff Psychologist at Brandeis University Counseling Center and the former Director of the Counseling Center at Museum of Fine Arts School, Boston. She is in private practice in Newton, MA.


Deutsch, Robin A., ed. (2014) Traumatic Ruptures: Abandonment and Betrayal in the Analytic Relationship. New York, London: Routledge, pp. 163-175 (the book and the chapter reprint are available in the library).

Previous Posts:

Rita K. Teusch, PhD (2014). Courtship Letters of Freud and Martha BernaysJournal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 62/2: 325-343.

Don R. Lipsitt, MA, MD (2015) Hypochondriasis and Somatization Disorder: New Perspectives.In Hoyle Leigh, Jon Streltzer, eds. Handbook of Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry. New York: Springer, pp. 317-333.

José Saporta, MD (2014). Psychoanalysis Meets China: transformative dialogue or monologue of the Western voice. In David E. Scharff and Sverre Varvin, eds. Psychoanalysis in China. London: Karnac, pp. 73-90.

John C. Foehl, PhD (2014). A Phenomenology of DepthPsychoanalytic Dialogues, 24:289-303.

Malkah Tolpin Notman, MD (2014). Reflections on Widowhood and Its Effects on the Self. Psychodynamic Psychiatry: Vol. 42, No. 1, pp. 65-88.

Click here to see the full archive of featured papers. All articles are available in the library.