Good Sleep Habits for Your Child – AUDIO

Posted in History, Social Awareness

In a recent episode of her podcast series, Alexandra M. Harrison, MD, talks to Meg Casano, a sleep consultant, to discuss how to help your child develop good sleep habits and how to help you deal with wakefulness. Alexandra Murray Harrison, MD is a Training and Supervising Analyst at the Boston Psychoanalytic Society and Institute in Adult and Child and Adolescent Psychoanalysis, an Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, Harvard...

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Malkah Notman on IPA’s “Off the Couch” – AUDIO

Posted in History, Social Awareness

BPSI Training and Supervising Analyst, Malkah Notman, MD, appeared on a recent episode of the IPA’s Off the Couch podcast to discuss how practicing analysis for many decades impacts one’s approach to the work. Click on the link below to listen to the program on the podcast web page. Episode 85: The Elder Analyst with Malkah Notman, MD Malkah Notman, MD, is a Training and Supervising Analyst at the Boston Psychoanalytic Society...

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From BPSI Video Archives

Posted in Arts at BPSI, History

The following video recordings have recently been digitized and made available from the BPSI Archives. Email to request online access: Enid Balint’s visit to BPSI. Reminiscences about British Psychoanalytic Society, W.D. Winnicott, Anna Freud, Melanie Klein, and Michael Balint. Discussants: Sanford Gifford and Enid Caldwell. Recorded at BPSI in Boston, MA, on March 8, 1989. BPSI Event Recordings Collection. Peter Fonagy’s...

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Breastfeeding Made Easier – AUDIO

Posted in History, Social Awareness

In a recent episode of her podcast series, Alexandra M. Harrison, MD, interviews a lactation consultant, Lauryl Ramakrishnan, who discusses the value of breastfeeding and how to troubleshoot difficulties in initiating and establishing breastfeeding. Click on the player below to listen. Alexandra Murray Harrison, MD is a Training and Supervising Analyst at the Boston Psychoanalytic Society and Institute in Adult and Child and Adolescent...

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Meet the Author – Nancy Chodorow – VIDEO

Posted in History, Library Corner

Nancy J. Chodorow, PhD, discussed her recently published book The Psychoanalytic Ear and the Sociological Eye: Toward an American Independent Tradition (Routledge, 2020) with Dan Jacobs, MD, Director of BPSI Library, and the online audience at our Meet the Author Webinar recorded on May 4, 2021. Click here or on the player above to watch. You can order the book directly from Routledge. You can also order a recent tribute publication Nancy...

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Edward Shapiro on IPA’s “Off the Couch” Podcast – AUDIO

Posted in History, Library Corner, Social Awareness

BPSI Psychoanalyst Member Edward Shapiro, MD, appeared on a past episode of the IPA’s Off the Couch podcast to discuss his book, Finding a Place to Stand: Developing Self Reflecting Institutions, Leaders and Citizens, with the program host, Steven Rolfe. Click on the link below to listen to the program on the podcast web page. Episode 25: Citizenship and the Psychoanalyst with Edward R. Shapiro M.D. Edward Shapiro, MD, is a graduate...

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