Vienna Psychoanalytic Society started under the name of Psychological Wednesday Society in 1902, when Freud, Stekel, Adler, Kahane, and Reitler decided to meet weekly in Freud’s apartment to discuss their work. By 1908 there were 14 members and the name was changed to Vienna Psychoanalytic Society. As the organization grew, Freud established “the Committee” of devoted followers, and eventually the International Psychoanalytic Association was founded with the chapters in all major cities. The rise of the Nazism in Vienna brought about a dispersal of the Vienna Psychoanalytic Society in 1938, shortly before Freud’s emigration to London.
The collection at BPSI Archives comprises one manuscript box of society brochures, programs, calendars, and other publications, as well as the newspaper clippings and books about Vienna and the Psychoanalytic Society mostly from the 1930s. With exception of a few newspaper clippings, the materials are in German.
Related BPSI Collections
Assorted Correspondence, 1872-1996
Bibring, Edward (1894-1959)
Bibring, Grete L. (1899-1977)
Bibring Photograph Collection
Deutsch, Helene (1884-1982)
International Psychoanalytical Association Conferences
Related Sites
Vienna Psychoanalytic Society (from Wikipedia) Minutes of the Vienna Psychoanalytic Society (from
Minutes of the Vienna Psychoanalytic Society editions (from
History of the International Psychoanalytical Association
Rare video footage of Vienna in 1938 (from US Holocaust Memorial Museum)